CONffIDENCE cluster workshop
Work Packages 4a, 4b & 4c:

Detection, analysis and control of mycotoxins, marine biotoxins and alkaloids in food and feed.

8 November 2012

The 7th Conference of The World Mycotoxin ForumŽ and the XIIIth IUPAC International Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins was jointly organized in Rotterdam - the Netherlands, on 5-9 November 2012. During this conference a separate session was devoted to CONffIDENCE accomplishments in the areas of mycotoxins, marine biotoxins and alkaloids. During this CONffIDENCE workshop, results were presented through 4 lectures, 3 posters and demonstration activities. Multiplex dipsticks were demonstrated that have been developed to determine various Fusarium mycotoxins (fumonisins, DON, zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 toxins) in food and feed and for tropane alkaloids (hyoscyamine and scopolamine) in feed.

In addition, a near infrared hyperspectral imaging method was displayed to detect ergot contamination in food and feed during transport of grain kernels on a moving belt. Opportunities for discussions on the presented project activities with stakeholders were available. Approximately 200 participants attended to the oral presentations and 30 to the workshop.

Programme CONffIDENCE Cluster 4 workshop

L1: against selected natural toxins: central components of immunoassays

Anne-Catherine Huet (CER, Belgium)

L2: Development and in-house validation of multiplex dipstick immunoassays for semi-quantitative determination of Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals

Veronica Lattanzio (ISPA-CNR, Italy)

L3: Near infrared hyperspectral imaging methodology as a control tool for the detection of ergot in cereals

Philippe Vermeulen (CRA-W, Belgium)

L4: Multiplex analysis of marine biotoxins: an advancement of the SPR biosensors

Katrina Campbell (QUB, UK)

CONffIDENCE posters presented at the workshop

nr. WP Title Authors
P1 4 CONffIDENCE WP4: Rapid and cost-efficient tests for biotoxins in the food chain van Egmond H., Elliott C. and Visconti A.
P2 4a Detection of contaminants in cereals by near infrared hyperspectral imaging Vermeulen P., Fernandez Pierna J.A.F., Dardenne P. and Baeten V.
P3 4c Multiplex lateral flow immunoassay for fusarium toxins in cereals Nivarlet N., Lattanzio V., Huet A-C., Visconti A., Lippolis V., Della Gatta S., Delahaut P. and Granier B.

CONffIDENCE Demonstrations presented at the workshop

nr. WP Demonstration title Demonstration type Presenter
D1 4a NIR camera for ergot contamination Slide show and video Philippe Vermeulen (CRA-W)
D2 4c Demonstration of dipsticks for mycotoxins Hands on demonstration Noan Nivarlet (UNISENSOR)