Electronic newsletter on Contaminants in Food and Feed

CONffIDENCE news is the biannual electronic newsletter from the CONffIDENCE project, aimed at stakeholders in the area of contaminants in food and feed.

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The e-Newsletter includes news from scientific projects and news regarding legislative, scientific, industrial, and consumer aspects on food and feed contaminants. The main topics are:


In the spotlight

In this section a recent event will be highlighted

News from the CONffIDENCE project

This area is dedicated to recent developments and results from the CONffIDENCE project, and may contain the following sections:

What's new on Organic Pollutants?

This section will describe recent results regarding analytical tool development for POPs, PFCs and pesticides in the CONffIDENCE project

What's new on Veterinary Pharmaceuticals?

This section will describe recent results regarding analytical tool development for heavy metals in the CONffIDENCE project

What's new on Heavy Metals?

This section will describe recent results regarding analytical tools development for alkaloids, marine biotoxins and mycotoxins in the CONffIDENCE project


What's new on Biotoxins?

This section will give describe recent results regarding analytical tools development for POPs, PFCs and pesticides in the CONffIDENCE project

News from other Projects

This section will include information coming from other research projects on food and feed contaminants

News Highlights

This section will include a selection of news regarding legislative, scientific, industrial, consumer aspects of food and feed contaminants.

Upcoming events

This section will include upcoming events on food and feed contaminants


Who should subscribe to the e-Newsletter?

CONffIDENCE news is for everyone interested or involved in the food and feed area. More specifically, it is aimed at

• scientists in food and feed analysis

• companies interested in new methods

• consumers concerned by contaminants in food and feed

• administrators interested in the legislative aspects


We hereby invite anyone interested in food and feed contaminants to subscribe to CONffIDENCE news .


If you currently subscribe to CONffIDENCE news and wish to unsubscribe, please reply to , with the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject.