Improving Food Safety in Europe: developing rapid tests for chemical contaminants in a new European research project
CONffIDENCE has completed the final year of a 56 months research programme. The final stakeholder workshop was held on Tuesday 18th December 2012 in Brussels and was chaired by the Coordinator of the project, Dr. Jacob de Jong.
It was attended by 26 researchers from the CONffIDENCE partners, 2 members of the Advisory Board (from FAO/IAEA and EC-DG SANCO) and 12 stakeholders representative of EC-DG Research, EC-DG SANCO, EFSA, FEFAC, EC JRC-IRMM and CEN. During this meeting the coordinator and the cluster leaders presented the 56 months activities and achievements in the nine RTD Work packages for organic pollutants, veterinary pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and biotoxins and in the Dissemination Work package.
Over 85 deliverables have been produced during this period. Some of the key outputs are highlighted through the articles of the 9th newsletter and in the publication of the special issue of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry: Volume 405, Issue 24 (2013).
At the RAFA 2013 conference held at Prague in November 2013, the project coordinator presented the lessons learned from the CONffIDENCE project.