CONffIDENCE WP5: Dissemination, Exploitation and Training
To use the results of the project to create value for all relevant stakeholders. This is done by:
- Actively distributing results to all stakeholders and scientists, to stimulate use of knowledge,
- Training and education of participants within the project and of young scientists and industrial stakeholders outside the consortium,
- Stimulate exploitation of intellectual property in such a way that the results contribute to the competitiveness of European agriculture, feed and food companies, and related SMEs.
WP5 will manage the key knowledge transfer activities: transfer to the scientific community, industry and SMEs, and transfer to other stakeholders such as policy makers, EFSA, CEN, consumers, NGO’s, etc. A CONffIDENCE internet website ( ) will be constructed and maintained and will serve as an important tool for dissemination and valorisation of the results dedicated to general public, official authorities, food and feed sectors and scientists. In addition a biannual e-newsletter will inform end users and stakeholders on scientific progress, job opportunities and upcoming events regarding the analysis of contaminants. Two open days will be organised for stakeholders during the course of the project. At the end of the project each of the four WP-clusters will organise a joint stakeholder workshop focused on organic pollutants, veterinary pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and biotoxins, respectively. The beneficiaries will present orals and posters at dedicated meetings and either patent or publish their results in peer reviewed journals, and professional and consumer-oriented periodicals, in compliance with the rules agreed in the consortium agreement. Two scientific education modules will be developed, for international BSc and PhD students, to provide the sector with highly skilled professionals after the project.
Work Package leader
Dr Vincent Baeten (Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, CRA-W, BE)
Vincent Baeten is Head of section of spectrometry at the Quality of Agricultural Product Department at the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Belgium. He is Director of the Community Reference Laboratory for animal proteins in feedingstuffs and Coordinator of the SAFEED-PAP project. He is Project leader, involved in several projects dealing with the development of spectroscopy methods . The Department has internationally renowned expertise in spectrometric analysis.
Work Package deputy leader
Dr. Lonneke van der Geest (Institute of Food Safety,RIKILT, NL)
Lonneke van der Geest is senior researcher, gender counselor and deputy WP5 leader.
Ir Philippe Vermeulen (Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, CRA-W, BE)
Philippe Vermeulen is Research Assistant, involved the management of computer and web tools as well as in the development of spectroscopy methods. He is webmaster for TRACE and SAFEED-PAP project. He is in charge of conception, development and maintenance of the computer tools in the CONffIDENCE project. He is the contact person for website, newsletter and intranet.
For further information about the work package 5, please contact