WP6: Management

Contaminants in food and feed

CONffIDENCE WP6: Management


Effective management of all aspects of the CONffIDENCE project. The following aspects will receive special attention:

  • Scientific management and assessment of progress and results
  • Communication and dissemination management
  • Intellectual property rights management
  • Financial and administrative management
  • Risk management
  • Gender issue management
  • Management of ethical issues


The activities in WP6 include scientific management and assessment of progress and results, communication and dissemination management, financial and administrative management, management of IPR, risk management, gender and ethical issues management. For internal communication an intranet tool was installed and is operated by this work package. The coordinator acts as a liaison between the European Commission and the consortium. The coordinator chairs the Project Management Board (PMB), consisting of one representative from each WP1-4 cluster and the WP5 leader.

Work Package leader / Coordinator of CONffIDENCE

Dr. Jacob de Jong (Institute of Food Safety, RIKILT, NL)

http://www.trace.eu.org/activities/img/vincent.baeten.gifJacob de Jong is senior researcher and programme manager of the Feed Programme that is executed by RIKILT for the Dutch Mini stry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality . He is the chairman of the CEN/TC 327 Committee for Feedingstuffs. He has more than 15 years of experience in all aspects related to feed analysis. He was coordinator of the FP5 project SIMBAG-FEED and the FP4 project CANFAS. He was co-organiser of several international scientific conferences related to feed safety.

Work Package deputy leader / deputy coordinator of CONffIDENCE

Prof. Dr. Michel Nielen (Institute of Food Safety, RIKILT, NL)

http://www.trace.eu.org/activities/img/vincent.baeten.gifMichel Nielen is a professor in detection of chemical food contaminants at Wageningen UR. He is programme manager of the Veterinary drugs Programme that is executed by RIKILT for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality . He has 20 years of experience in detection of contaminants. He is the co-chairman of the symposia on Advances in Food Analysis. He is in the Management Group and was WP leader in the FP6 project BioCop.

Assistant coordinator of CONffIDENCE

Dr. Stefan Weigel (Institute of Food Safety, RIKILT, NL)

http://www.trace.eu.org/activities/img/vincent.baeten.gifStefan Weigel is senior project manager and deputy programme manager of the Veterinary drugs and Contaminants programmes that are executed by RIKILT for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality . He has a PhD degree in Analytical chemistry. He worked for 10 years on organic residues and contaminants (focus on pharmaceuticals) in environmental and food matrices, applying techniques such as GC-MS, LC-MS, SPE and SPR-biosensor. He is WP leader in BioCop.

Secretary of CONffIDENCE

Mr. Wim Beek (Institute of Food Safety, RIKILT, NL)

http://www.trace.eu.org/activities/img/vincent.baeten.gifWim Beek was the project secretary of the FP5 project SIMBAGFEED. Presently he is the secretary of a WP in BioCop. He has more than 20 years experience in the detection of veterinary drugs in feed and food of animal origin.

For further information about the work package 6, please contact