The CVUA (Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt in Stuttgart ) is a regional food and veterinary control laboratory with a total staff of about 240 employees. The Pesticide Residues Laboratory of the CVUA mainly specialises in food samples of plant origin and is responsible for the entire Federal State of Baden-Württemberg (population: ~10 million), analysing ~2,500 samples per year. Following an EU-competition CVUA Stuttgart has been appointed to host the EU-Community Reference Laboratory for Pesticides using Single Residue Methods (CRL-SRM) which is operational since July 2006. The area of Pesticide residue analysis is currently run by a team of highly experienced staff consisting of 9 food chemists and 15 chemical technicians covering a working area entailing analysis, legal and risk assessment, reporting, research, training courses, as well as advisory services for decision and policy-makers. The laboratory has had for many years a very significant scientific contribution in the field of pesticide residue analysis. Among the most outstanding accomplishments were the highly economical and simple QuEChERS-multi-residue analysis method that is widely used around the world and the introduction of the internet-based information-exchange platform “Pesticide-Online”.
EU-Community Reference Laboratory for Pesticides for using Single Residue Methods.
Development and validation of the widely accepted QuEChERS-Method ( ).
Fundamental research on the use of analyte protectants for multi-residue GC analysis.
The laboratory has consistently achieved high overall rankings in EU PT 1 to 7 demonstrating its outstanding quality of work and its excellent know-how in this field.
Introduction of the internet-platform “Pesticide-Online” ( ) with currently ca. 600 pesticide residue analysts from 55 countries.
Currently, a “CRL Data Pool” is being developed that will include various databases with vital information of practical interest to pesticide residue analysts.
WP1c : Development and validation of simplified sample preparation methods as well as the performance of small-scale interlab studies in WP1c pesticides.
Contact :
Dr Michelangelo Anastassiades
Pesticides, CRL-SRM
Schaflandstr. 3/2
D 70736 Fellbach
Tel : +49 711 3426 1261
Fax : +49 711 588176
Email : Web site :
Staff :
Dr. Michelangelo Anastassiades :
Senior Chemist and Director of the CRL-SRM. 12 years of experience in pesticide residues analysis. Project manager/co-manager of several research projects.
CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1c Pesticides.
Dr. Diana Ströher-Kolberg :
Chemist of Pesticide Residues Laboratory. 5 years of experience in pesticide residues analysis.
CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1c Pesticides.
Ms. Ellen Scherbaum :
Senior Chemist and department head of Pesticide Residues Laboratory. 17 years of experience in pesticide residues analysis. Project manager/co-manager of several research projects.
CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1c Pesticides.
Dr. Eberhard Schüle :
Senior Chemist of Pesticide Residues Laboratory. 12 years of experience in pesticide residues analysis in food and water samples.
CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1c Pesticides.