The mission of JRC-IRMM (EC-JRC-IRMM – European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements) is to promote a common and reliable European measurement system in support of EU policies. The prime objective of JRC-IRMM is to build confidence in the comparability of measurements by the production and dissemination of internationally accepted quality assurance tools, including validated methods, reference materials, reference measurements, inter-laboratory comparisons and training. The laboratories at JRC-IRMM have high-performance instrumentation to match a wide range of analytical measurements. JRC-IRMM participates in a network of European expert laboratories developing and validating appropriate analytical methods. In particular, JRC-IRMM focuses on:
• the development and the validation of analytical methods mainly based on hyphenated techniques, for the determination of residues and contaminants in food and feed matrices.
• the implementation of existing validated and/or official methods for the analysis of these residues.
The main expertise of EC-JRC-IRMM is the d evelopment and validation of methods for the determination of residues and contaminants in food and feed matrices. IRMM is also Community Reference Laboratory for Feed Additives, Mycotoxins, PAHs and Heavy metals.
WP2a: Work package leader of WP2a – Coccidiostats. Support the comparison of performance characteristics with existing methods in WP2a. Organise the final validation of the multiplex flow cytometric immunoassay for coccidiostats.
WP3: Organise the final validation of the heavy metal assays in WP3
WP1-4: Provide expert advice for the validation of the methods developed in all work packages
Contact :
Dr. Ursula VINCENT
Retieseweg, 111
B-2440 Geel, Belgium
Tel. +32 14 57 12 07
Fax +32 14 57 17 87
Email: Web site:
Staff :
Dr. Ursula Vincent:
Ph.D. in analytical chemistry. Senior scientist, more than 10 years experience in development and validation of analytical methods. Supervising and coordinating projects related to contaminants and residues analysis in food and feed matrices. Project leader of the Community Reference Laboratory for Feed Additives (Control).
CONffIDENCE: WP 2a leader.
Dr . Christoph von Holst:
Senior scientist analytical chemistry, over 10 years experience in development and validation of methods in the field of food and feed analysis. Operating manager of the Community Reference Laboratory for Feed Additives.
CONffIDENCE: Expert advisor validation, leader of the InterWP group “Harmonisation of QA/QC”
Mr. Mostafa Chedin:
Analytical technician experienced in the development and validation of analytical methods for antibiotics residue measurement in animal tissues and coccidiostats in feed matrices.
CONffIDENCE: He will perform laboratory experiments in LC-MS/MS to compare the performance characteristics of the multiplex flow cytometric immunoassay for coccidiostats with existing methods.
Ms. Federica Serano:
Analytical technician experienced in the development and validation of analytical methods for antibiotics residue measurement in animal tissues and coccidiostats in feed matrices.
CONffIDENCE: she will perform laboratory experiments in LC-MS/MS to compare the performance characteristics of the multiplex flow cytometric immunoassay for coccidiostats with existing methods.
Prof. Franz Ulberth:
Science Coordinator of the Food Safety and Quality Unit at JRC-IRMM.
CONffIDENCE: Expert advisor for validation and test material preparation.
Dr. M. Beatriz de la Calle:
Senior scientist analytical chemistry, over 10 years experience in development and validation of analytical methods for heavy metals and other contaminants in food and environmental matrices. Manager of the International Measurement Evaluation. Programme and responsible for the organization of interlab comparisons for the Community Reference Laboratory for Heavy Metals in Feed and Food.
CONffIDENCE: involved in WP3