Contaminants in food and feed


Institute of Chemical Technology , Prague (VSCHT) is the largest university in Central Europe focused on the teaching of applied chemistry. VSCHT is a prominent scientific and research centre embracing food chemistry and technology, biochemistry and biotechnology, environmental technology, new materials, new special chemical substances, process engineering, and information technologies. At present, it has around 3000 full-time students and staff, including 400 senior academic staff. The Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis has extensive experience in comprehensive analysis of a wide range of organic contaminants and toxicants in food, biotic and environmental matrices including (i) modern pesticides; (ii) organohalogen pollutants; (iii) PAHs and their derivatives; (iv) phthalates; (v) natural toxicants, e.g., mycotoxins and plant toxins, using state-of-the-art analytical facilities. As a part of external quality control, ICT participates in various proficiency testing programmes, such as FAPAS (CSL, York , UK ) and EU proficiency tests. Since 2001 most tests are accredited in accordance to ISO 17025. VSCHT collaborates with a number of international partners, mainly with EU Universities and scientific institutions, through research projects and student exchange programs.


Development and validation of advanced methods for comprehensive profiling

Accredited Laboratory (ISO 17025) – contractor for National Food Authority

Participant in FP6 projects: TRACE, BioCop, HEATOX, Low Input Food, TRUEFOOD

Expert laboratory participating in preparation of Certified Reference Materials for traceability of POP measurements (EU SMT program)


WP1a : Leader of the WP1a working group on POPs. Development and validation of a comprehensive POP profiling. Providing data for validation of software for comprehensive organic contaminants profiling. Providing cereal based food reference samples containing contaminants.

WP1b : Deputy leader of the WP1b working group on PFCs. Sample preparation development and LC/MS of perfluorinated compounds.

WP1c : Feasability of DART as high-throughput screening tool


Contact :

Prof Jana Hajslova

Technicka, 5
CZ 166 28 Prague 6
Tel : +420 2 2044 3185
Fax :
Email : Web site : http://www.vscht.cz/homepage/english/main

Staff :

Prof Jana Hajslova :

Senior Researcher / Food analysis, metabolomics and chemical food safety. 25 years of experience in trace analysis, contaminants, and toxicants. Coordinator/participant of several national and international research projects (COST, INCO Copernicus – 4 th , 5 th , and 6 th EU FP, NATO) on food quality and safety. Closely collaborates with National Accreditation body and has established links with several European Institutions concerned with analytical quality assurance (AQA) activities. Member of Editorial Board of Food Additives and Contaminants .

CONffIDENCE: WP1a leader, POPs

Dr . Monika Tomaniova :

Senior researcher / Pesticides and contaminants, comprehensive profiling.

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1a and WP1c

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jan Poustka :

Senior Researcher / Pesticides and contaminants. 15 years of experience in chemical detection methods of contaminants. WP1b deputy leader. Responsible for comprehensive POP profiling development and LC/MS of perfluorinated compounds.

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1b

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Kocourek :

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1a and WP1c

Mr. Tomas Cajka (MSc):

Young Researcher / Pesticides and contaminants. 7 years of experience in chemical detection methods of contaminants. Responsible for comprehensive POP profiling development and validation.

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1c

Mrs. Jana Pulkrabova (MSc):

Young Researcher / Environmental contaminants, 7 years of experience in chemical detection methods of contaminants, responsible for sample preparation method development and POPs comprehensive profiling.

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1a

Mrs Petra Hradkova (MSc):

PhD student / PFCs, responsible PFCs analysis.

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1b

Ms. Kamila Kalachová (MSc):

PhD student / POPs analysis.

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1a

Ms. Lucie Drábová (MSc):

PHD student / PAHs analysis.

CONffIDENCE: involved in WP1b