Contaminants in food and feed

NESTLE – NESTLE Research Center

Located in the rolling hills above Lausanne in Switzerland, NRC (Nestlé Research Center) has a permanent staff of 670, including over 300 scientists. The 45 nationalities represented help underline NRC’s long-established position in the international scientific community, with 173 outside scientific contracts, 240 scientific publications and 27 patents in 2005. NRC scientists seek insight into the complex psychological, physiological, physical, chemical and biochemical mechanisms of food-consumer interactions.

NRC has six departments: BioAnalytical Science, Food Science, Food/Consumer Interaction, Plant Science, Nutrition and Health, Quality and Safety, Pet Basic Research and Scientific and Nutrition Support.



NESTLE has experience in development and validation of methods for the determination of veterinary drug residues in food. He is participant of the GoodFood FP6 project as well as of the BioCop FP6 project.


NESTLE participates in the following work packages:

WP1a : Provide cereal based food reference samples containing contaminants.

WP2b : V alidation of the dipstick for tetracyclines and validation of the multi-sensor antimicrobial device for honey. Provide honey reference samples containing known amount of antibiotics.

WP4c : Provide cereal based food reference samples containing contaminants.




Dr. Jean-Marc Diserens

NESTLE Research Center
Quality and safety
Vers chez les blanc
1000 Lausanne 26
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Staff :

Dr. Jean-Marc Diserens:

He is senior research scientist, in charge of all activities related to veterinary drug residues at the Nestle Research Center, chairman of the International Dairy Federation (IDF) Joint Action Team for Organic Contaminants and Veterinary Drug Residues, chairman of the IDF Standing Committee for Additive and Contaminants, member of the Swiss expert group for Veterinary Drug Residues, member of the German expert group for Veterinary Drug Residues, member of the International Honey Commission. He has 18 years experience in veterinary drug residues, provide reference material and test developed prototypes.

CONffIDENCE: He provides reference material

Marie-Claude Savoy Perroud:

She is project leader. She is involved for 18 years in development and validation of screening and confirmatory methods for veterinary drug residues in food.

CONffIDENCE: A nalysis of prepared samples and incurred samples with reference methods

Andrea Beck Henzelin:

He is antibiotic residues, screening methods specialist with 15 years experience in the field.

CONffIDENCE: Preparation of reference material and analysis with screening and reference methods.