Contaminants in food and feed


RIKILT – Institute of Food Safety is an independent research institute for the safety and quality of food products. The institute performs high-quality research for safety assessment, detection/identification and functionality of (food ingredients in) foods of vegetable and animal origin. RIKILT is National Reference Laboratory in 14 food/feed safety areas, and performs research on the detection and identification of contaminants in food and feed, and the interactions of these substances within the food chain. The institute contributes to the monitoring of production chains, the quality of agricultural products, the knowledge of health-protecting substances in our food and to a sustainable environment. It carries out legislative and policy-supporting tasks for the Dutch government and international bodies, including the European Commission. RIKILT has high-quality testing facilities and its strength lies in the versatility of its analytical expertise and equipment – the synergy of immuno-chemistry, analytical chemistry, toxicology, microbiology, microscopy, bionanotechnology and X-omics. This know-how leads to robust tests, method development and fundamental strategic research. Moreover, RIKILT has extensive experience in participating in and co-ordinating of European research projects.


RIKILT has coordinated a number of European projects, such as SIMBAGFEED, ENTRANSFOOD (FP5), SAFE FOODS, SELAMAT and GO-GLOBAL (FP6). An important research focus of RIKILT is the development and validation of screening and confirmatory methods for the detection of contaminants in food and feed. These include specific and forensic chemical detection methods, biomolecular detection methods such as immuno-and receptor binding assays, bionanotechnology applications and whole cell biosensor assays.

RIKILT is currently NRL for pesticides in cereals and food of animal origin, heavy metals, mycotoxins, dioxins and PCBs, PAHs (882/2004/EC), veterinary drugs (96/23/EC), and feed additives (378/2005/EC).


RIKILT is coordinator of CONffIDENCE and participates in the following work packages:

WP1a : Deputy Leader of the WP1a working group on POPs. Development of multiplex flow cytometric assays for POPs . Support WP1a with software for comprehensive organic contaminant profiling.

WP1c : Leader of the WP1c working group on pesticides.

WP2a : Development of multiplex flow cytometric assays for coccidiostats .

WP3 : Partner in the small-scale interlab comparison and optional support with LC/ICP-MS in WP3.

WP4a : Leader of the WP4a on alkaloids.

WP4c: Support with LC/MS/MS reference data and take part in small scale interlab comparison

WP5 : Deputy Leader of the WP5 on Dissemination exploitation

WP6 : Scientific, administrative and financial coordination and management of the project




Dr Jacob de Jong

Bornsesteeg, 45
NL 6708 PD Wageningen
Tel : +31 317 480256
Fax : +31 317417 717
Email :
Website : http://www.rikilt.wur.nl

Staff :

Dr Jacob de Jong:

Senior Researcher and Programme Manager Feed, Chairman of CEN/TC 327 and ISO/TC34/SC10 Committee for Feedingstuffs. 15 years of experience in feed analysis. Coordinator of FP5 project SIMBAGFEED and FP4 project CANFAS.

CONffIDENCE: Coordinator of the project.

Prof. Dr. Michel Nielen:

Senior Researcher and Programme Manager Veterinary drugs. 20 years of experience in detection of contaminants. Co-chairman of the symposia on Advances in Food Analysis. Management Group and WP leader in FP6 project BioCop.

CONffIDENCE: Deputy coordinator of the project .

Dr. Stefan Weigel:

Senior Project Manager and Deputy Programme Manager. Detection Veterinary drugs and Contaminants. 10 years of experience in detection of contaminants. Deputy WP leader in FP6 project BioCop, participant in MoniQA

CONffIDENCE: Assistant coordinator of the project.

Dr. Hans Mol :

Senior Researcher / Cluster Manager of Pesticides and Contaminants. 16 years of experience in chemical detection methods of contaminants. Responsible for profiling software support.

CONffIDENCE: WP1c Leader.

Mr. Willem Haasnoot:

Senior Researcher / Cluster Manager Biomolecular detection, 20 years of experience in biomolecular detection.

CONffIDENCE: Responsible for flow cytometric assay development and deputy WP1a leader.

Dr. Lonneke van der Geest:

Senior Researcher with 15 years experience in molecular biology.

CONffIDENCE: Gender counselor and deputy WP5 leader.

Mr. Wim Beek:

Project secretary of the FP5 project SIMBAGFEED, secretary of a WP in Bio-Cop.

CONffIDENCE: Project secretary of the project.

Mr. Arjen Jongebreur:

Financial officer, financial management of the FP5 project SIMBAGFEED and the FP6 projects SAFE FOODS, SELAMAT and GoGlobal, all coordinated by RIKILT.

CONffIDENCE: Financial officer of the project.

Mrs. Monique Bienenmann-Ploum:

Senior research assistant working with the Luminex based screening assays for coccidiostats

CONffIDENCE: Involved in the development of flow cytometric assays in WP1a and WP2a

Mrs. Anastasia Meimaridou:

PhD student with 3 years of experience in biomolecular detection. Responsible for the development of Luminex-based screening assays for POPs and coccidiostats in food and feed.

CONffIDENCE: Involved in the development of flow cytometric assays in WP1a and WP2a

Mrs. Mirjam van Aalderen:

Research assistant working with the Luminex-based screening assays for coccidiostats.

CONffIDENCE: Involved in the development of flow cytometric assays in WP2a

Mrs. Tina Zuidema:

Senior researcher veterinary drugs, responsible for LC/MS/MS support .

CONffIDENCE: Involved in WP2a and WP2b

Mr Paul Zomer:

Researcher on mycotoxins and pesticides using DESI-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, LC-TOF-MS.

CONffIDENCE: Involved in WP1c

Ir Hans P. van Egmond :

Head, Section of Natural Toxins and Nitro-compounds, The Laboratory for Food and Residue Analysis. Project leader RIVM projects “Monitoring Food” and “Natural Toxins”. Chair, co-chair and member of organizing committees of several EU, ILSI, IUPAC, FAO,WMF and AOAC International workshops and conferences on natural toxins. Member top management group and WP leader in FP6 project BioCop. Development and validation of screening and confirmatory methods for the detection of contaminants in food and feed in particular natural toxins. Development of (certified) reference materials for natural toxins.

CONffIDENCE: WP4a leader

Mrs Diana Pereboom :

Senior technician. Long experience in development and validation of screening and confirmatory methods for the detection of contaminants in food and feed.

CONffIDENCE: She is involved in WP4a.

Mr Marco Jonker :

CONffIDENCE: He is involved in WP4a.