The research at the Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering at Tampere University of Technology aims at the development of sustainable technologies for bioprocess industry and related topics. Dr. Matti Karp has developed during his research career several kinds of bioreporter applications based on light-emitting microbial cells. The reporter systems are applied for the detection of heavy metals, antibiotics, toxic substances and endocrine disrupters. The overall description for the activities of the department may be found at: http://www.tut.fi/public/index.cfm?mainsel=17585&sel=17585&Show=29611&siteid=185&CFID=12008324&CFTOKEN=59367525
TUT has expertise in development and validation of living bacterial “tools” for main heavy metals or metalloids that use heavy metal responsive elements and reporter genes leading to light emission by the sensor cell as a dose dependent function of a metal. He has experience in development of methods to permanently store the sensor cells that are to be used as ordinary reagents as well as in development of biomolecular cell free detection methods based on recombinant metal binding regulatory proteins. He works in fundamental research on novel detection methods using molecular biotechnology approaches. He is involved in collaborations to commercialize the sensor cells.
WP3 : Deputy leader of WP3 Heavy Metals.
Development of whole cell bacterial biosensors measuring mercuric ions, organomercurial compounds and arsenic (III and V) ions
Develop tests that can be applied for analysis of food/feed samples
Comparison of the methods developed to conventional analytical chemistry reference methods.
(Freeze) drying of the cells and formulation of the methods to portable devices
Contact :
Dr Matti Karp
Tampere University of Technology
Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering
Korkeakoulunkatu, 8
FI-33720 Tampere
Tel: +358-40-5533189
Email: Web site: http://www.tut.fi
Staff :
Dr. Matti Karp :
Professor in biotechnology, head of “Master’s Degree Program in Biotechnology”, head in “International Master’s Degree Program in Science and Bioengineering”. He has a roughly 20 years experience relating to biotechnological applications of reporter genes and their genetic engineering for various compounds or compound families.
CONffIDENCE: He is the person running the research utilizing the biosensors for heavy metals.
Mrs. Nina Immonen :
Researcher, responsible for various bacterial sensor cells and their freeze-drying.
CONffIDENCE: She is involved in WP3.
Ms. Anna-Liisa Välimaa :
Researcher, responsible for yeast based sensor systems and their validation with hormone-like compounds and toxic substances
CONffIDENCE: She is involved in WP3.
Ms. Anne Rantala :
She is doing her doctoral thesis in the project