Contaminants in food and feed


The University of Santiago (USC) is a 500 year old University with a long tradition of research on the biomedical and food safety field. Several groups are known worldwide for their research activities in aquaculture, food safety and biomedicine. The Department of Pharmacology has been engaged in European Projects on the field of marine toxins and pharmacology in several calls.




The Department of Pharmacology of the University of Santiago de Compostela has been working on the d evelopment and validation of detection methods for marine toxins: diarrheic toxins (okadaic acid and analogs), yessotoxin, azaspiracids, saxitoxins and analogs, ciguatoxins, and brevetoxins, for more than 15 years. The expertise of the group include the purification and isolation of marine toxins and the development of detoxification procedures for marine toxins. Our group is also focused on the study of the mechanism of action and on the search of pharmacological targets of marine toxins, including the study of the mechanism of toxicity of these toxins.



WP4b : Marine biotoxins. Purification of marine toxins. In vitro and in vivo toxicological studies. Comparison of new multiplex assay for the detection of the major toxin targets in shellfish with EU reference method .



Contact :

Dr Natalia Vilariño

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Departamento de Farmacología,
Facultad de Veterinaria
Campus Universitario
27002 Lugo, Spain
Tel : +34 982 252242
Fax : +34 982 252242
Email : Web site :

Staff :

Dr. Natalia Vilariño :

Researcher of Pharmacology, University of Santiago de Compostela.

CONffIDENCE: Deputy leader of WP4b . Marine biotoxins . Purification of toxins, toxicological studies and comparison of multiplex method for the detection of the major toxin targets in shellfish with EU reference method .

Dr Luis M. Botana :

Head of the Department of Pharmacology, University of Santiago de Compostela and Director of the Community Reference Laboratory for Marine Toxins

CONffIDENCE: WP4b . Marine biotoxins Purification of toxins, toxicological studies and comparison of multiplex method for the detection of the major toxin targets in shellfish with EU reference method .

Dr. M. Carmen Louzao :

Professor of Pharmacology, University of Santiago de Compostela.

CONffIDENCE: WP4b . Marine biotoxins Purification of toxins, toxicological studies and comparison of multiplex method for the detection of the major toxin targets in shellfish with EU reference method .

Dr. Amparo Alfonso :

Professor of Pharmacology, University of Santiago de Compostela.

CONffIDENCE: WP4b . Marine biotoxins Purification of toxins, toxicological studies and comparison of multiplex method for the detection of the major toxin targets in shellfish with EU reference method .

Dr Mercedes R. Vieytes :

Professor of Physiology, University of Santiago de Compostela.

CONffIDENCE: WP4b . Marine biotoxins Purification of toxins, toxicological studies and comparison of multiplex method for the detection of the major toxin targets in shellfish with EU reference method .

Sr. D. Martín Cacheiro :

Assistant Manager , European Projects Office , University of Santiago de Compostela

CONffIDENCE: Additional contact for legal, administrative and financial aspects.