Advanced Food Analysis – Course – 15-19 November 2010

Contaminants in food and feed

Advanced Food


15-19 November 2010

On 15-19 November 2010 the course on Advanced Food Analysis, which was jointly organised by the Wageningen University Graduate School VLAG and the FP7-project CONffIDENCE, was held at the Wageningen Conference Centre in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

The course was aimed at PhD-students and young researchers working in the field of food research and focused on several (advanced) techniques and applications (to be) used in food analysis and their potential and pitfalls.

The course was attended by 60 PhD students and 6 Postdoc researchers, together representing 12 different countries, and having quite a different background ranging from Food Chemistry and Food Processing, to Food Quality and Food Analysis.

The 5 day intensive course comprised 27 lectures given by leading specialists in the field, including CONffIDENCE consortium members, a participant’s poster session, an excursion to the food analysis labs of Unilever in Vlaardingen (NL) and a social program. A variety of techniques and approaches were covered, both from an academic and an industrial perspective.
During the poster session, the participants themselves voted for three poster awards and one of the winners was Anastasia Meimaridou from CONffIDENCE Workpackage 1a.

The course not only provided the participants with a broad insight into food analysis techniques, it also provide ample networking opportunities, and exchange of project results. The atmosphere was friendly, open and collaborative, and after a week of hard work all participants received a Course Certificate upon submission of the course evaluation forms.

The full program is available here below and the folder of the course can be downloaded here


VLAG International Course
Advanced Food Analysis
15-19 November 2010

MONDAY November 15, 2010
10.00 Registration, coffee/tea
10.30 Opening, Welcome and introduction
11.00 HPLC in food analysis – basics.
Dr. H. Lingeman (Free University of Amsterdam)
12.00 From food components to flavor perception: Methods to clarify the importance of single constituents for food flavors.
Prof. P. Schieberle (Technical University of Munich)
13.00 lunch
14.00 Capillary Electrophoresis: theory and applications.
Dr. W.Th. Kok (University of Amsterdam)
15.00 Advanced HPLC in food analysis.
Dr. H. Lingeman (Free University of Amsterdam)
16.00 break
16.30 Monitoring key aroma and taste compounds as useful tool to optimize food processing on a molecular basis.
Prof. P. Schieberle (Technical University of Munich)
17.30 From basic to advanced mass spectrometry in food analysis 1.
Prof. M.W.F. Nielen (RIKILT, Wageningen)

TUESDAY November 16, 2010
09.00 The sample preparation challenge in food analysis.
Prof. J. Hajšlová (ICT, Prague)
10.00 Gas Chromatography in food analysis – basics.
Prof. P. Sandra (Ghent University)
11.00 break
11.30 poster session
12.30 lunch
13.30 Authenticity and traceability in food analysis.
Prof. J. Hajšlová (ICT, Prague)
14.30 Spectroscopy in Food analysis.
Dr. H.H.J. de Jongh (TIFN, Wageningen)
15.30 break
16.00 Gas chromatography techniques in food adulteration and fraud.
Prof dr P. Sandra (Ghent University)
17.00 Simplified and advanced functional binding assays in food analysis.
Prof. C.E. Elliott (QUB, Belfast)

WEDNESDAY November 17, 2010
09.00 Importance of food microstructure.
Dr. M. Langton (SIK, Gotenborg)
10.00 The biotoxin challenge in food analysis.
Prof. C.E. Elliott (QUB, Belfast)
11.00 Break
11.30 Near infrared imaging approaches to food analysis.
Dr. V. Baeten (CRAW, Belgium)
12.30 lunch
13.30 The bacics of NMR in structural studies of small molecules and biopolymers (NMR basic).
Prof. L. Kenne (Swedish University Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala)
14.30 Microstructure analysis of relevance for food systems.
Dr. M. Langton (SIK, Gotenborg)
15.30 break
16.00 From basic to advanced mass spectrometry in food analysis 2.
W.M.A. Niessen (Hyphen MassSpec Consultancy)
17.00 Advanced NMR methods in studies of small molecules and biopolymers (NMR advanced).
Prof. L. Kenne (Swedish University Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala)
18.00-19.00 Get together – poster session

THURSDAY November 18, 2010
08.30 Macromolecular food analysis: proteins.
Dr. P.A. Wierenga (WU)
09.20 Macromolecular food analysis: phenolics.
Dr. J-P. Vincken (WU)
10.10 break
10.40 Macromolecular food analysis: Oligo- and polysaccharides.
Dr. H.A. Schols (WU)
11.40 Departure for excursion, lunch in bus
Visit to: UNILEVER Research, Vlaardingen
Food analysis in industry.
Prof. H.G. Janssen (Unilever Research)
Analytical lab visits
20.15 Back in Wageningen

FRIDAY November 19, 2010
09.00 The potential of transcriptomics and proteomics in food analysis.
Dr. G. Pinel (LABERCA, Nantes)
10.00 The data handling challenge in food analysis.
Dr. J.G.J. Mol (RIKILT, Wageningen)
11.00 break
11.30 The potential of metabolomics in food analysis.
Dr. G. Pinel (LABERCA, Nantes)
12.30 Whole cell bioassay approaches in food analysis.
Dr. L.A.P. Hoogenboom (RIKILT, Wageningen)
13.30 Closure and Lunch