3rd Open Day

Contaminants in food and feed


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CONffIDENCE: Rapid tests for contaminants

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3rd Open Day

3 November 2011

During the 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2011), held from 1- 4th November 2011 in Prague Czech Republic, the CONffIDENCE project held its 3rd Open Day together with a poster session. The Open Day with the title “Rapid tests for contaminants” was organized on Thursday the 3rd of November.

During the RAFA 2011 oral sessions 6 and 7 entitled Rapid methods I and II respectively, the CONffIDENCE results were presented through 5 oral presentations, giving an overview of CONffIDENCE, the industrial needs regarding rapid tests for contaminants, and key results obtained thus far for persistent organic pollutants (POP’s), heavy metals and alkaloids. In the afternoon, a poster session was held where 24 posters and 7 demonstration activities regarding the CONffIDENCE outputs were presented by various project members. The combination of posters, demonstration activities and oral presentations proved to be effective in generating interest and stimulating discussions with the audience. Approximately 150 participants attended to the Open Day.



Programme CONffIDENCE Open Day

9.00 – 10.30 Oral session 6: Rapid Methods I

9.00-9.30 Recent progress in rapid methods for food quality and safety control (L36)

Jacob de Jong (RIKILT)

9.50-10.10 Inorganic arsenic determined by SPE separation and AAs detection – A novel speciation approach (L38)

Rie R. Rasmussen (DUT-Food)

10.10-10.20 High-throughput GC-MS/MS analysis of BFRS (including emerging compounds) in fish/seafood (L39)

Kamila Kalachova (ICT-Prague)

10.20-10.30 Multiplex screening of persistent organic pollutants in fish using spectrally-encoded microspheres (L40)

Anastasia Meimaridou (RIKILT)

11.00 – 12.30 Oral session 8: Rapid Methods II

11.40-12.00 Determination of pyrrolizidine, tropane and ergot alkaloids in honey, feed and cereals and detection of ergot contamination in cereals (L43)

Hans van Egmond (RIKILT)

CONffIDENCE posters presented at the open day

nr. WP Title Authors
1 ALL CONffIDENCE: Safer food through rapid and cost-efficient tests for chemical contaminants in the food chain de Jong J.
2 1 CONffIDENCE WP1: Rapid and cost-efficient tests for organic pollutants and pesticides in the food chain Hajslova J., Farré M. and Mol H.
3 1a the simultaneous determination of PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs in environmental samples Pulkrabova J., Kalachova K., Cajka T., Drabova L. and Hajslova J.
4 1a Rapid GC-MS method for analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood: AOAC collaborative study Drábová L., Pulkrabová J., Maštovská K., Kocourek V. and Hajšlová J.
5 1a New simple and fast GC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of various groups of organohalogen pollutants and PAHs Kalachova K., Pulkrabova J., Cajka T., Stupak M. and Hajslova J.
6 1a Multiplex screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants in fish using spectrally encoded microspheres Meimaridou A., Kalachova K., Shelver W.L., Franek M., Pulkrabova J., Haasnoot W., Nielen M.
7 1b Analysis of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in fish: a comparision between farm and open sea fish Llorca M., Farré M., Poustka J., Hradkova P., Pulkrabova J., Hajslova J., Barceló D.
8 1b Analysis of perfluorinated compounds in fish tissue: pilot study from the Czech Republic Pulkrabova J., Hradkova P., Hlouskova V., Poustka J. and Hajslova J.
9 1b Analysis of perfluorinated alkylated substances in biota samples based on fast and simple activated charcoal clean-up procedure followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: method interlaboratory study. Hradkova P., Hlouskova V., Lacina O., Poustka J., Pulkrabova J. and Hajslova J.
10 1c Development of an electrochemical immunosensor based on specific antibodies labeled with CDs nanoparticles for in-situ paraquat monitoring in spiked potato samples. Valera E., Garcia-Febrero R., Pividori M.I., Kolberg D., Fussell R.J., Mol H., Marco M.P. and Sanchez-Baeza F.
11 2 CONffIDENCE WP2: Rapid and cost-efficient tests for veterinary pharmaceuticals in the food chain Vincent U. and Stead S.
12 2a Multiplex flow cytometric immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of six coccidiostats in feed and egg. Bienenmann-Ploum M., Huet A-C., Campbell K., Fodey T., Haasnoot W., Delahaut P., Elliott C., Vincent U., de Jong J. and Nielen M.
13 2b The development of a new multiplex dipstick for the simultaneous detection of sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, tylosin and chloramphenicol in honey. Chabottaux V., Bonhomme C., Stead S., Huet A-C., Wolodko-Cierniak K., Andrianne D., Nivarlet N., Pinacho D.G., Marco M.P., Diserens J-M., Delahaut P., Sharman M. and Granier B.
14 2b Tetrasensor and extension of scope to feed, urine and thermally processed meat matrices. Chabottaux V., Lemmens B., Stead S., Wolodko-Cierniak K., Diserens J-M. and Granier B.
15 2b Rapid detection of (leuco) malachite green in fish: a comparative study between antibody, aptamer and receptor MG-binders. Vincent U. and Stead S.
16 3 CONffIDENCE WP3: Rapid and cost-efficient tests for heavy metals in the food chain Sloth J.J.
17 3 A novel speciation alternative for the determination of inorganic arsenic in marine samples Rasmussen R.R., Hedegaard R.V., Herbst B.K. and Sloth J.J.
18 3 Mercury speciation analysis in marine samples by HPLC-ICPMS. Rasmussen R.R., Hedegaard R.V., Herbst B.K. and Sloth J.J.
19 4 CONffIDENCE WP4: Rapid and cost-efficient tests for biotoxins in the food chain van Egmond H., Elliott C. and Visconti A.
20 4a Detection of contaminants in cereals by near infrared hyperspectral imaging. Vermeulen P., Fernandez Pierna J.A.F., Dardenne P. and Baeten V.
21 4a Multiplex lateral flow immunoassays for the detection of pyrrolizidine, tropane and ergot alkaloids Nivarlet N., Andrianne D., Campbell K., Granier B., Huet A-C., Elliott C., van Egmond H. and Delahaut P.
22 4b The analysis of tetrodotoxins in fish and shellfish using UPLC-MS/MS Gerssen A., Pereboom- de Fauw D. and Mulder P.
23 4b Multiplex Detection of Marine Biotoxins Using SPR Technology Campbell K., McNamee S., Vilariño N., Botana L.M., Elliott C.T.
24 4c Multiplex lateral flow immunoassay for fusarium toxins in cereals. Nivarlet N., Lattanzio V., Huet A-C., Visconti A., Lippolis V., Della Gatta S., Delahaut P. and Granier B.


nr. WP Demonstration title Demonstration type Presenter
1 1a Rapid methods for POPs Special poster showing step by step method flow-chart Kamila Kalachova
2 1b Sample prep and fast response for PFCs Special poster showing step by step method flow-chart Petra Hradkova
3 2a/1a Luminex analysis : Coccidiostats and POPs PP-presentation and video Monique Bienenmann-Ploum and Anastasia Meimaridou (RIKILT)
4 2b Multiplex dipsticks for antibiotics in honey Bee4 Sensor Vincent Chabottaux
5 3 Solid phase extraction heavy metals Practical Rie R.Rasmussen
(DTU Food)
6 4a NIR camera for ergot contamination Slide show Philippe Vermeulen
7 4c Demonstration of dipsticks for mycotoxines Hands on demonstration Noan Nivarlet