
Contaminants in food and feed

CONffIDENCE workshops

Seminar and training, Prague, Czech Republic, 26-27 April 2010
Application of ambient mass spectrometry for the analysis of food contaminants/residues and metabolomic fingerprinting.

Joint CONffIDENCE/BIOCOP session, Krakow, Poland, 10 June 2010
Emerging technology for food safety assessment

CONffIDENCE cluster workshop – Work Packages 2a & 2b, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 16 May 2012
Detection, analysis and control of veterinary pharmaceuticals in food and feed.

CONffIDENCE cluster workshop – Work Packages 1a, 1b & 1c, Barcelona, Spain, 3 July 2012
Detection, analysis and control of POPs, PFCs and Pesticides in food and feed

CONffIDENCE cluster workshop – Work Packages 3, Brussels, Belgium, 20 September 2012
Detection, analysis and control of heavy metals in food and feed.

CONffIDENCE cluster workshop – Work Packages 4a, 4b & 4c, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 8 November 2012
Detection, analysis and control of mycotoxins, marine biotoxins and alkaloids in food and feed.