CONffIDENCE cluster workshop
Work Packages 1a, 1b & 1c:
Detection, analysis and control of POPs, PFCs and Pesticides in food and feed.
3 July 2012
In the frame of the FP7 CONffIDENCE (CONtaminants in Food and Feed: Inexpensive DetectioN for Control of Exposure) project, a half day workshop entitled “Detection, analysis and control of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) and Pesticides in food and feed” was held following the 8th annual LC/MS/MS workshop on environmental applications and food safety, at Barcelona, Spain.
During the CONffIDENCE workshop, results were presented through 8 lectures, 2 posters and demonstration activities. Both rapid and efficient instrumental methods and complementary alternatives based on bioassays were covered. Opportunities for discussions on the presented project activities with stakeholders were available.
The workshop was attended by approximately 15 participants deeply interested in CONffIDENCE research.
Programme CONffIDENCE Cluster 1 workshop
Chair: Jana Hajslova
9:00-9:15 | Opening + general introduction CONffIDENCE Jana Hajslova, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Czech Republic |
9:15-9:40 | Simplified and rapid determination of PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs in fish using GC×GC–TOFMS Jana Pulkrabova, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Czech Republic |
9:40-10:05 | Multiplex screening of persistent organic pollutants in fish using spectrally encoded microspheres Anastasia Meimaridou, RIKILT, Wageningen, Netherlands |
10:05-10:30 | Achievements on PFCs analysis under the frame of the Conffidence EU-Project Marinella Farré, IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain |
10:30-11:30 | Poster session/Coffee break |
Chair: Marinella Farré
11:30-11:55 | Direct analysis of dithiocarbamate fungicides in fruit by ambient mass spectrometry Tomas Cajka, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Czech Republic |
11:55-12:15 | Rapid method for the confirmatory analysis of paraquat and diquat in potatoes and cereals Hans Mol, RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen, Netherlands |
12:15-12:40 | Development of an multi-analyte immunosensor based on specific antibodies labelled with CdS and PbS nanoparticles for detection of deoxynivalenol and paraquat in cereals Enrique Valera, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain |
12:40-13:00 | Concentrations of PFCs in European waters fish. Marta Llorca, IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain |

CONffIDENCE posters presented at the workshop
nr. | WP | Title | Authors |
P1 | 1a | Small scale interlaboratory study on LC-MS/MS method used for PFASS analysis | Hradkova P., Hlouskova V., Poustka J., Pulkrabova J., Llorca M., Farré M., Hajslova J. |
P2 | 1b | Rapid methods for determination of HBCD isomers in fish and fish feed | Pulkrabova J., Lankova D., Kalachova K., Hajslova J., Lacina O. |