Joint CONffIDENCE/BIOCOP session
Session 8: Emerging technology for food safety assessment (BioCop, CONffIDENCE)
10 June 2010
Organised by
This session is supported by the European Commission funded Integrated Projects:
FP7-211326-CP “CONffIDENCE (Contaminants in Food and Feed: Inexpensive Detection for Control of Exposure)” coordinated by RIKILT – Institute of Food Safety (Wageningen, The Netherlands)
The 2nd International MONIQA conference held on 8-10 June in Krakow-Poland, was an inter- and cross-disciplinary event which formed a bridge between the daily concerns of citizens, economic considerations and food and nutrition science.
The session 8 chaired by Hans van Egmond, featured results from the related projects BioCop and CONffIDENCE which increased the cross-fertilisation of ideas and ultimately helped deliver greater benefits to stakeholders around the world. Hans van Egmond started the session with a brief introduction about the context. Then the CONffIDENCE key outputs were presented through 4 lectures listed here after.
Download the full program
Programme Training course
June 10 (Thursday)
Hans van Egmond, RIKILT – Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Innovations in pesticide residues analysis.
Jana Hajslova, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
Replacement of the mouse bioassay for phycotoxins.
Luis Botana, University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
Veterinary antibiotics: multiple dipsticks, SPR and Electrochemical sensors.
Anne Catherine Huet, CER, Marloye, Belgium
Heavy metal detection using cell based and sensor based assays.
Danila Moscone, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
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