Workshop – May 2012

Contaminants in food and feed

CONffIDENCE cluster workshop
Work Packages 2a & 2b:

Detection, analysis and control of veterinary pharmaceuticals in food and feed.

16 May 2012

In the frame of the FP7 CONffIDENCE (CONtaminants in Food and Feed: Inexpensive DetectioN for Control of Exposure) project, a half day workshop entitled “Detection, analysis and control of veterinary pharmaceuticals in food and feed” was held following the EURORESIDUE VII Conference, at Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.

During the CONffIDENCE workshop, results were presented through 3 lectures, 5 posters and demonstration activities. Opportunities for discussions on the presented project activities with stakeholders were available. Approximately 20 participants attended to the workshop.

Programme CONffIDENCE Cluster 2 workshop

L1: General overview work packages 2a & 2b

Ursula Vincent (EC-JRC-IRMM EURL-FA, Belgium)

L2: Single-validation of the FCIA for coccidiostats in laying hens feed and eggs

Monique Bienenmann-Ploum (RIKILT, The Netherlands)

L3: Single-validation of multiplex dipsticks for antibiotics in honey

Katharina Heinrich (FERA, UK)

CONffIDENCE posters presented at the workshop

nr. WP Title Authors
P1 2a Validation of multiplex flow cytometric immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of six coccidiostats in feed and egg. Bienenmann-Ploum M., Vincent U., Huet A-C., Campbell K., Fodey T., Haasnoot W., Delahaut P., Elliott C., Stolker L., de Jong J. and Nielen M.
P2 2b The development of a new multiplex dipstick for the simultaneous detection of sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, tylosin and chloramphenicol in honey Chabottaux V., Bonhomme C., Stead S., Huet A-C., Wolodko-Cierniak K., Andrianne D., Nivarlet N., Pinacho D.G., Marco M.P., Diserens J-M., Delahaut P., Sharman M. and Granier B.
P3 2b Validation of a new multiplex dipstick for the simultaneous detection of sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, tylosin and chloramphenicol in honey. Heinrich K., Chabottaux V., Wolodko-Cierniak K., Pike L., Bonhomme C., Huet A-C., Kraehenbuehl K., Weigel S. and Sharman M.
P4 2b Improvement to the existing Tetrasensor and extension of scope to feed, urine and thermally processed meat matrices. Chabottaux V., Lemmens B., Stead S., Wolodko-Cierniak K., Diserens J-M. and Granier B.
P5 2b Rapid detection of malachite green in fish: a comparative study between antibody, aptamer and receptor MG-binders. Vincent U., Stead S., Colombo M., Huet A-C., Nivarlet N., Delahaut P. and Granier B.

CONffIDENCE Demonstrations presented at the workshop

nr. WP Demonstration title Demonstration type Presenter
D1 2a Luminex analysis : Coccidiostats PP-presentation and video Monique Bienenmann-Ploum (RIKILT)
D2 2b Multiplex dipsticks for antibiotics in honey Bee4 Sensor Vincent Chabottaux(UNISENSOR)