CONffIDENCE cluster workshop
Work Packages 3:
Detection, analysis and control of heavy metals in food and feed.
20 September 2012
In the frame of the FP7 CONffIDENCE (CONtaminants in Food and Feed: Inexpensive DetectioN for Control of Exposure) project, a workshop entitled “Detection, analysis and control of heavy metals in food and feed” was organized as a part of the EURL heavy metals annual meeting held in the Albert Borchette meeting center in Brussels.
The workshop was attended by representatives of the European NRLs on heavy metal analysis in foodstuff and animal feedingstuffs as well as representatives from the EU-RL on Heavy metals in food and feed from the Institute of Reference Materials and Measurement (IRMM) in Geel, Belgium. The attendants came from 25 different European countries as well as a representative from the USA.
At the workshop the outcome of workpackage 3 of the CONffIDENCE project was dessiminated by WP leader Jens J. Sloth of DTU Food. The following items were included the workshop:
- General presentation of the CONffIDENCE project.
- Outline of the present status on heavy metal regulation in the EU and how CONffIDENCE goes beyond state-of-the-art.
- General presentation of the content of workpackage 3
- Presentation of the novel method for the specific determination of inorganic arsenic in marine food products
- Method principle
- In-house validation results
- Preliminary results from collaborative trial
- Data from survey study on marine food samples
- Presentation of the novel method for the specific determination of methylmercury in marine food and feed products
- Method principle
- In-house validation results
- Preliminary results from collaborative trial
- Data from survey study on marine food and feed samples
- Presentation of the novel method for the specific determination of inorganic arsenic in rice
- Method principle
- In-house validation results
- Data from survey study on rice products
More information on the presentation